Wednesday, 4 July 2007


SCOPAC works to promote sustainable shoreline management, and to facilitate the duties and responsibilities of local authorities and other organisations managing the coastal zone of central southern England.


Geography University guide

Guardian Unlimited

Geography has transformed as a university subject over the last decade. It is now a truly multidisciplinary subject tackling issues from urban regeneration to climate change and globalisation. As a result, almost all universities and colleges offer degree courses on some aspects of these areas. Courses listed here can vary enormously in their content. University College London emerges as the best ranked teaching course, leading a group of old universities at the head of the table, including Nottingham, Cambridge, Leeds and Oxford.

Link to Univ 2002 Geography | University guide |

Source of the Amazon River

Source of the Amazon River

Geographers long agreed that, while the Amazon might be the world’s largest river by volume, the longest was likely the Nile. In 2007, however, the BBC reported that a team of Brazilian researchers challenged that long-held belief. After an expedition to Peru to locate the Amazon’s precise source, the team described a different starting point. The team claimed that the river originated not in northern Peru, where it had been thought to begin, but in southern Peru, somewhere on snowcapped Mount Mismi (or Nevado Mismi). The team narrowed down the starting point to one of two places, but concluded that either one would nudge the Amazon’s length past that of the Nile

Link to EO Newsroom: New Images - Source of the Amazon River

Do a good turn to 30°C

Thanks for Val Vannet for this find. Excellent site with good practical advice.

Link to Do a good turn to 30°C