This stunning new address is perfectly placed to start a new pulse at the centre of Bristol's great cultural, commercial and social attractions.
This blog has been created, by Mr O'Callaghan to share Geography online resources and websites with the Geography students of Kingdown Community School Warminster Wiltshire.
This stunning new address is perfectly placed to start a new pulse at the centre of Bristol's great cultural, commercial and social attractions.
The WHO Healthy Cities programme engages local governments in health development through a process of political commitment, institutional change, capacity building, partnership-based planning and innovative projects. It promotes comprehensive and systematic policy and planning with a special emphasis on health inequalities and urban poverty, the needs of vulnerable groups, participatory governance and the social, economic and environmental determinants of health. It also strives to include health considerations in economic, regeneration and urban development efforts.
Over 1200 cities and towns from over 30 countries in the WHO European Region are healthy cities. These are linked through national, regional, metropolitan and thematic Healthy Cities networks, as well as the WHO Healthy Cities network for more advanced cities.
The WHO Healthy Cities programme is now in its fourth phase (2003–2008). Cities currently involved in the Phase IV Network are working on three core themes: healthy ageing, healthy urban planning and health impact assessment. In addition, all participating cities focus on the topic of physical activity/active living.
Healthy Cities is a global movement. Healthy Cities networks are established in all six WHO regions.
Welcome to the home of Making Local Food Work, an initiative managed by the Plunkett Foundation and funded by the Big Lottery Fund to explore community enterprise approaches to connecting land and people through food.Whether you are a producer looking for local outlets for your food, a representative of a community group looking to get involved or somebody looking for places to buy local food near you, you will find the information you’re looking for here.
Bristol City Council is working to improve the city's built environment, reduce social exclusion in our most disadvantaged neighbourhoods, strengthen the city's economy and improve access to employment and training, particularly for people living in deprived neighbourhoods.
A variety of major regeneration schemes are taking place across the city and are listed below. For further information about these developments visit our 'Transforming Bristol's built environment' pages or click on the page links in the table below:
The Bristol URBAN Programme is a community-led initiative to encourage and support local residents to regenerate the area where they live.
The URBAN area covers a population of over 17,000 residents in the wards of Ashley, parts of Easton and Lawrence Hill as shown on the area map. It includes St Pauls, St Werburghs, St Agnes, Barton Hill, Redcliffe, Old Market and parts of Easton.
The Programme's focus has been to improve the training and employment prospects of the local community, by increasing empowerment, participation and wealth and enhance the impact of existing regeneration programmes.
Welcome to the NEW London Profiler website!
Here you can visualise your neighbourhood's profile using different area classifications through the Google Map interface.
Over the past 20 years in India, 10 million female babies have been aborted. The pressure to have sons is terrifying - mothers who bear daughters are beaten or cast aside by husbands and in-laws desperate to escape the financial burden of a girl's dowry. Now mothers are being urged to 'save the girl child' as the country tries to end decades of tragic abuse