Recent water main breaks highlight challenges to water infrastructure.Major water main breaks in Los Angeles and Baltimore in recent days highlight challenges to the U.S. water infrastructure system.
A rash of water main breaks in the Los Angeles water system this month have flooded streets, forced residents to evacuate, and damaged homes and businesses, the Los Angeles Times reported. One break created a sinkhole that nearly swallowed a firetruck responding to the scene, while another sent a surge of mud and water 10 feet into the air.
Since the start of September, L.A.’s Department of Water and Power has recorded 34 “major blowouts” in the city’s water system, the Los Angeles Times reported Sept. 19. By contrast, the city had only 21 such ruptures through all of September 2008, 17 in September 2007 and 13 in September 2006.
Rash of Water Main Breaks Points To Vulnerability of Systems | Circle of Blue | WaterNews