Wednesday 14 October 2009

Half of babies 'will live to 100'


More than half of babies now born in the UK and other wealthy nations will live to 100 years, researchers say.

The study, published in The Lancet journal, also says the extra years are spent with less serious disability.

Data from more than 30 developed countries shows that since 1950 the probability of surviving past 80 years of age has doubled for both sexes.

e than half of babies now born in the UK and other wealthy nations will live to 100 years, researchers say.The study, published in The Lancet journal, also says the extra years are spent with less serious disability. Data from more than 30 developed countries shows that since 1950 the probability of surviving past 80 years of age has doubled for both sexes.

BBC NEWS | Health | Half of babies 'will live to 100'